Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Thrive Collective School Murals

mural collage with the words bring art back

Full credit for this program goes to:
See Thrive Collective murals portfolio:
See Thrive Collective creative process:

blue and orange block lettering to spell bring art back

Do a creative challenge and add a comment below:
*Find a local mural in your area or nearby and appreciate the unique and creative elements. 

**Bonus: take a picture and share it with a friend or on social media.

*Design your own mural with art supplies of your choice (canvas, paper, pencils, markers, paint).

**Bonus: leave your artwork somewhere it can be found with a "free" note to share your creativity with others. 

**Disclaimer: please be mindful of the care of your nearby areas and check on your artwork, if it is still there within a few days, bring it home and give it directly as a gift.