Monday, May 24, 2021

Aspiring & Abstract Art: 1-2 Year Olds

Art is inspiring for all ages. Encourage 1-2 year olds to explore their creativity by setting out paper as a canvas for their scribbles. Holding a crayon or marker is most important to start getting familiar with the spacial awareness of their canvas.

Materials: multi-colored pack of construction paper, crayons, washable markers, tape, stickers.

Activity ideas: draw outlines of shapes and call out the shape to help them identify as they fill in the color of their choice, put stickers out on the table for them to grab and put on their paper.

Pro-tip: set out a few crayons or markers for them to choose from so that they can be creative without creating a mess with too many supplies.

coloring with crayons on construction paper  

coloring with markers on construction paper

coloring stickers with markers on construction paper 
scribbles on paper taped to the table

shapes colored in with crayons and markers 

outline of various shapes colored in with markers

outline of various shapes colored in with markers and added scribbles in different colors 

coloring stickers with markers on construction paper

coloring outlines of shapes on construction paper  

coloring and drawing shapes on construction paper

Create your own abstract style and add a comment below:
Post a picture of artwork from your child, niece/nephew, grand daughter/son, neighbor.
What art supplies did they use?

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