Thursday, May 6, 2021

DIY Art Style: Vision Board Collage

Do-it-yourself (DIY) art style that you can try with limited supplies!

vision board collage with various motivational images and phrases

Photo credit for image above and vision board activity idea below: Kristen

Materials: cardboard/card stock or paper, magazine clippings or stickers, scissors, glue stick

Activity ideas: fun to do with kids, thoughtful gift idea, cut out images to glue or choose stickers that stand out to you and arrange them as a collage on your cardboard/card stock or paper -- you could also do this and instead of gluing take a picture and re-arrange to come up with different designs.

Not sure where to get magazines? Ask your local library or doctor/dentist office what they do with their magazines when they rotate in new issues. They might be willing to let you take a few older issues to create your vision board. 

tabletop with collage materials and coffee cup

collage of inspiring words and images scattered on green paper  collage of inspiring words and images scattered

Create your own DIY style and add a comment below:
Create a vision board collage! Post your picture as a comment below.

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