Monday, May 3, 2021

DIY Art Style: Decorating Rocks & Stones

Do-it-yourself (DIY) art style that you can try with limited supplies!

Painting Rocks:
art materials for decorating rocks, including various rock sizes and paint marker pens decorated rocks in various sizes with different colored heart patterns
decorated rocks with varying shape, color, and pattern designs 
Photo credit for images above and activity ideas below: jawscmouse

small to medium sized rocks, paint marker pens, creative design ideas.

Activity ideas:
fun to do with kids, go for walks and hide painted rocks for others to find.

acrylic painted stone with a bee and flower design
Photo credit for images above and activity ideas below: Laurie Jackel

medium to large sized stone , acrylic paint, creative design ideas.

Activity ideas:
fun to do with kids, add to your landscaping in the front or back yard.

So what is the difference between a rock and a stone? Good question!
"Stones and rocks and boulders and pebbles are all the same things: rock material. The main difference is size. Stone is generally used for large amounts, rock is just the generic term, boulders are pieces of rock bigger than a foot across or so, and pebbles are smaller than 2.5 inches - roughly. The actual size ranges are calibrated by something called the ‘Wentworth scale’." - Pamela Z.

For more information, or to add your comment to this discussion, visit Quora.

Create your own DIY style and add a comment below:
Find or buy some rocks or stones and decorate them! Post your picture as a comment below.

**Disclaimer: please be mindful to the care of your nearby areas if you choose to make art with rocks or stones, including being specifically respectful of naturally preserved lands, nearby parks, or your neighbors yard that may prohibit removal of these items or other native earth elements. 

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